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Remote Working and Wellbeing: How to Find the Right Balance

Written by Rita Sousa | 29-Apr-2020 11:06:18

Help team members feel physically and mentally invigorated – as well as truly connected to the business – with our remote working wellbeing tips.

A concept that has been embraced by many workplaces for some time, remote working offers a better work-life balance, promotes wellbeing and helps employees manage childcare and other aspects of daily life. Yet being away from an office and colleagues can also make individuals feel disconnected, less focused and left craving social interaction.

Here’s how to make the best of remote working so your wellbeing – and that of your teams – doesn’t suffer.

Make physical wellbeing a priority

Exercise aids the production of mood-boosting hormones, which in turn promotes mental wellbeing. Incorporating some form of physical activity should therefore be an essential part of every remote working day. Get out for a brisk walk or bike ride, take part in a virtual exercise class, or make up your own work-out routine. Work-outs don’t have to be long either – some of the most effective exercise routines can be completed in 10-15 minutes.

Use video conferencing

Keeping in contact with colleagues not only supports effective working – it also gives remote workers some much-needed social interaction. Make good use of video conferencing tools to maximise the effectiveness of team communication, but phone calls, project management tools and team chat software also bring some diversity to communicating. Make an extra effort to ensure team members who live alone have regular video conferences and phone calls booked into their diaries.

See the light

Having a daily dose of natural light is particularly important when individuals don’t have to go outdoors to commute. Try to set up your remote working space in a room with a window, and make an effort to go outside once a day. The sun is an unparalleled source of Vitamin D and has excellent mood-boosting properties.

Find different working spots

Having a set working spot at home is good for finding a routine while remote working. It also ensures you can set up your computer in an optimum position. However, finding different spots to work from can help to mix up the day and keep you feeling fresh. Get up on your feet to do some admin at the kitchen counter, surround yourself in a nest of cushions on the floor to send a couple of emails, or sit in the garden if you have one to read a document.

Share feedback

Just because you’re not seeing colleagues in-person every day doesn’t mean you should skip office niceties. Feedback is really important to any employee, so remember to tell colleagues when they’ve done a good job. Phone them to tell them, send an email or post a message on a group project board – it will keep people feeling positive, engaged and appreciated.

Stick to working hours

The line between work and home life can become blurred when working remotely, making it vital that working hours are observed. Don’t be tempted to check emails or do an extra piece of work outside usual working times, as you won’t feel like you’ve had a proper break. Also plan your week by blocking out time in your diary for specific tasks – this will give you more focus and help you stick to work hours.


Embrace the positive aspects of remote working while making wellbeing a top priority. Your colleagues will feel happier, connected and more productive as a result.